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Posts posted by fastthnU714

  1. i dunno i cant really tell ya, i mean yea your on a banshee forum and i got a shee but i have been wantin a rappy for my second quad instead of the blaster and i hear the yfz is spose to fuckin fast as hell and the crf is a fast one too but im not sure. they are all really good quads, the banshee could prolly waste all of em if you put the same aftermarket parts on em so its up to you. l8r

  2. dude in my book the shee always comes first. my girlfriend wanted me to come over instead of goin out for a ride wit the shee, and i made a solution, i said, how bout i ride over to your house and pick u up and then we both go ridin, and guess wut (this is the best part) she said yes. but when the shee is down then u need to hook up wit sum1 and when that person cant hang wit u, u fix the shee. l8r

  3. it depends on wut kinda tattoo it is and where its at. if its on the stomach or back, leg or arm its aight, some chicks have tatoos in different spots and they dont look so good. but most of the time they do look good. oyea, i agree wit phast, u do got a great ass! peace

  4. aight i use to not run from the cops but they would never let me go, always making me call my parents to come pick me up even if i was a block from my house, and the one cop that i stopped for said to call my parents so i did and no1 was home so the cop said he was gonna have to tow it, so when he went back to his car i slyly pulled the kick starter out and nailed the gas and took off, it took him bout 2 minutes to figure out wut happend, but by then i was gone, so now i never stop for cops, i hate em, if the cops wouldnt do nothin then i would stop for em, i only stop if i have to, the nail thing is a good idea but i dont think that i would do that unless i was less then a mile from my house. ive thrown roost at a cop to get em away from me tho, now that was funny, and ingenis. flying thro a field wit the cop right behind me, i put it in 2nd and locked up the front tires, waited till it got slow enough and kept the tires locked, then gassed it and roosted all over the cop, man was he pissed but he couldnt c me so i got away. sorry the long post, l8r

  5. i agree, a chick wit a belly button ring showing is a definate turn on, i love seeing chicks wit their bellys peirced, its great! i dont think that a chick wit her tongue peirced is like makin out wit a carburator, i think its great, and i hear that chicks love it too, a bunch of my friends got it done and i think im gonna get it done soon too. l8r

  6. haha yea bansheeboy that is a great idea! how come u didnt think of that when we got caught that one day? ive got chased by the cops alot, and i never stop unless they stop me, the one time i got stop i got a 75 dollar ticket and had a 25 dollar fine for ridin through a field on a trail that was already made. the farmer said we made it and wrecked his crops. but ne ways, that is another reason for me not to stop.the best thing is when ur just cruising down the rode and then u hear the sirens come flying up behind u and u just shifts into 6th and pin it, look behind and they are fallin back! l8r

  7. yea i do admit that the new lightning is beging to go on me but i would still rather have the old lightning wit the newer ones engine. and im still looking for an older lighting body cuz those r the ones i like and those r the cheaper ones cuz i wanna put shit on it and my dad is gonna paint it for me. aight l8r

  8. dude yami i know alot bout cars and i hate honda civics, in most cases newer does equal slightly faster and i was writing that while talkin wit my dad about the new concepts, im not sayin i know everything about cars but i do know how to change the oil filter and no im not in elementary. im in high school aight so dont just judge every1 just by the way they r talkin. not every kid is as dumb as u think. i was brought up around cars and quads. we have a total of 8 cars and 3 of them i have helped my dad rebuild and have worked on the rest. i do all the work on my shee and blaster with a little help when i get a little confused. i also worked on my friend matts M5 when it broke down on the side of the rode. we got it up and runnin in 10 minutes. l8r

  9. rollin wut r u smokin! yea i know the new lightning would waste the old one and i know i do care about the performance more then the looks but i wouldnt be seen drivin that thing in a million years! and yea i do know alot aobut cars cuz my dad is an auto Mechanic so shut the hell up! news flash for ya- newer equal faster- every1 knows that! and like i said b4 i would like to have the new lightnings engine in the old ones body. l8r

  10. rollin wut r u talkin about! the old lightning looks way better then the new one! i mean yea i wouldnt mind having the new ones engine but its ugly as fuck! it looks like the new Element " a fuckin box!" ur crazy! i liked the mustangs all my life and i like the older ones too, the only one that i dont like would be the 80`s version of em. the new ones r tight as hell and so is the old lightning, Rollin is on drugs if he thinks the new lightning is better then the old one! l8r

  11. aight i was on the ford website and i saw the new concepts that they got out for the mustang and the lightning, and i have to say that the mustang looks badass and the lightning looks gay as all hell!





    the mustang pumps out a kewl 400 horse and the lightning makes about 500 horses plus 15 when u turn on the air conditioning( ur pumping cool air into the engine) what ur favorite between the old mustangs, new mustang, old lightnings, and the new lightings? i personally like the new mustangs and the old lightnings, but would rather the put the new engine in the old lightnings. l8r

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