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Posts posted by Thomas

  1. Here's the thing. You're asking a fortune for a quad and trying to lead people into believing its 100% original and unmolested which in fact that's far from the truth. Post up the VIN on the frame. Come way down on that price and I'll buy it off you.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    What's way down on the price ? So I can let him know

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Sorry that you always lie and get caught. Not our fault.
    But 100%, doesn't have OEM 2004 plastic, has gay flame grill, has AC bumper, has damaged grab bar, has different tires, and is missing the OEM heel guards.

    You should be sorry that your always being a bitch, I know momma raised you better

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. $7,000 is a lot sure, but I bet you Someone will buy it. Maybe put it back to stock pipes and take boost bottle off as well. Fix a-arms, repost, it should sell for that if it's legit and provide plenty of paperwork.

    maybe that's what I will do and repost and I have all paper work as well. Thanks for not being a complete dickhead like these other guys



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  4. So now you have spare a-arms but can't put them on? FFS you are lazy and stupid.


    And yes, I know they are T5, they are shit pipes.


    The bent a-arm (too lazy and stupid to replace for pictures or even mention you have spares for the damaged one), boost bottle, and T5 pipes. All signs of a stupid person.



    More and more you post, the more and more this sounds like a scam.

    ok buddy hope your getting paid for all this dick eating your doing



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. So whats up with the damaged a-arm? For $7K, you would expect it to be flawless and not have shitty pipes and a boost bottle on it.

    I have an full set of a arms that will come with the bike, I just didn't want to change it my self. But it would be much appreciated if you get a life and keep that negative energy for yourself



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