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Posts posted by MoronG

  1. So big mouth dumb ass I will make you a deal. I will load up 2 of those bikes (that make in your words way to much hp) and take them to 2 other dynos here in the Portland area that have nothing to do with Redline and make 3 passes on both dynos. If they make close to the same HP I am talking within a couple of HP then you promise to leave this site and never ever try to give anyone banshee advice again??? You truly are one of the biggest idiots I have ever seen type on a forum and I am willing to spend my money to get dyno sheets just to shut you the fuck up and make you go the hell away!!! Have you ever noticed that whenever there is a argument going on here on this site you are always at the center of it??? You really are a fucking tool and you need to fucking go away!! Call me a nut swinger call me whatever you want but I have ridden many many banshee's over the years and motors from almost every builder on this site and there is a reason Redline does my Porting and gets all my business because his stuff flat out hauls ass!!!!!!!!! You please show me one builder who has not has a problem with a motor somehwere along the line? Your issue is your an idiot and when you had a problem instead of dealing with it the way you should have you and your buddy went off cying to someone else instead of letting the builder fix what you thought was wrong. FUCKING GO AWAY YOU TROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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