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Posts posted by Brap_Brap_Banshee

  1. Hey i know this isnt a banshee question but i know the clutches are somewhat simular but the clutch arm/actuator just get bent when pulled on even a brand new actuator just got bent. I removed the clutch plates and it was still locked so i think it has to be the pushrod and ball? Just wanted to know if anyone has the same problem before and what it may be. Thanks in advance


    Sent from my LGMS500 using Tapatalk

  2. Was reading another post and said it was there stator..I have a new coil, kill switch, cdi box, regulator, and key switch but didnt look at stator or flywheel or pickup coil. Also i checked my spark and it was barely visible it was only inbetween the the spark plug and the gap not in between the spark plug and the cylinder which was like 5mm away so maybe its because of a weak spark? It wont even start now so hoping this may fix the problem? Any tips or specs needed to know about flywheel or pickup gap. Where are these flywheel magnets? So i can see if they need to be cleaned


    Sent from my LGMS500 using Tapatalk

  3. Okay so it turns out i am just not gonna go today because i couldnt even get her started and that just made me feel like i shouldnt go. My right pilot jet came out in 2 peices and i believe it snapped when i was taking it out but im not sure. Anyways i ran to the store and bought a new pilot jet for 10 bucks and threw it in and it fired up for about a second and stalled and wouldnt start back up. Pilot jet was clean though other than being cracked lol. So not really sure why this happend and another i didnt go because my swingarm bearing just happend to start shaking at the same time. So will fix that too but I would really appreciate if anyone has any idea why my banshee wouldnt start back up even with a little gas in the air filter. Thanks guys. And I will probably end up getting a pass if im gonna risk paying the price for no pass lol. At least they dont impound your quads like in new york if you get seen anywere other than the track...bye bye banshee :( unless you got the 600 to buy it back. Thanks for help guys


    Sent from my LGMS500 using Tapatalk

  4. 03DM i heard about the undercovers and i was worried about them and i sure hope i dont run into one. Where do they ride around and what happends if they catch us? Thanks for letting me know and i wasnt planning on going on big hills because i heard they are incredibly huge and sketchy but i do want to try smaller ones. I really appreciate that your letting me know about this but if i see them should i run or stop? @deadbeat that had my dying laughing and im in school got my phone taken away lol but thanks guys will be home in about an hour to look at the carbs


    Sent from my LGMS500 using Tapatalk

  5. Okay i will tear into carbs when i get home and reeds look okay and the i went all the way in with the idle.i know nothing about the flywheel and yes this is my first time.and im very excited but i cant go without my banshee lol thanks guys ill give results soon


    Sent from my LGMS500 using Tapatalk

  6. If anyone saw my other post i got rid of that banshee because it failed the leakdown and i didnt want to deal with it and it was just annoying with no paperwork. so i got another banshee that needed a top end because i just love everything about them except when they dont work. so now i believe its a 4mil with stock rods because there is 29L on the rods but a spacer plate. 65MM wiseco pistons. Well the problem is my banshee will not idle on both cyls. It only idles on the left cyl. Whenever i blip the throttle the other cyl kicks in. carbs are synced by eye not the tool and it passed the leakdown test. stock carbs jetting 300 mains and 30 pilots with air screws 2 turns out. I believe because of the one cyl problem it is really hard to start too cold and hot. choke tube is in place, the reeds were swapped and plugs and coil wires were swapped and nothing was changed. i have around 125psi in both cyls. Have a big trip tommorow to Trevorton PA if anyone has ever heard of it, and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the time.

  7. Alright so I did my research on these leakdown testers so im gonna start putting one together so i can test it. I will be back with results soon enough and I also wanted to ask if this was the water pump seal that was mentioned before because i happen to have one laying around so i can just throw it on if it is it to solve the antifreeze in bottom end problem. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-Banshee-water-pump-cover-gasket-fits-all-years-/110990044734?pt=Motors_ATV_Parts_Accessories&hash=item19d785ae3e&vxp=mtr   Thanks for all the help guys hope to have this thing mint by summer so i got some time ill be back with results after i finish my leakdown tester. Also tors and parking brake are removed already.

  8. Ordered a coil just waiting on it and my friend said i should replace the whole water pump with a billet one for reliability because apparently they seals go alot? Is this the only way coolant could be getting in there if it is i will just replace the whole thing. I wanted to make this quad somewhat reliable without spending a ton of money but now i got all these problems but i wont give up on it 

  9. What is a leakdown test? and I did a compression test and got around 115psi in each cyl so i dont think compression is the problem and i think its accurate it was a snap on one so yeah lol. I ordered a new coil and my friend is giving me a cdi if that would do anything and what is grounding? I never went to far into working on banshees just top ends so im not so smart with it sorry.

  10. I recently traded my raptor 350 for a banshee and the night i got the banshee she ran mint and i couldn't find a problem. It was like this for a few days but after that it just started getting worse. Its just a bunch of problems adding up. First problem is sometimes my banshee will start 1 kick some times it will never start. I believe it is something electrical because every time it wont start all i do is pull the plugs while in the boots kick it over a few times and there wont be spark. If i kick it over about 5 times it will start sparking and when i put the plugs back in she starts first kick. Next problem is she will bog like crazy sometimes and even if you try to hold it open flames shoot out of both exhaust! But on other days she will rev perfectly fine. Also sometimes it will run on only one cylinder and sometimes both. If i try to ride it first and second gear powerband are usually fine but once its in 3rd it wont hit powerband and it only fires on one cyl and in order for me to get it into power band i have to let off the throttle and back on until she wants to go. And another problem is i got coolant in my bottom end im not sure how that got in there but every time i drain the oil and put fresh oil she still get more in there somehow. And last im not sure if this is a problem or not but if i put my hand over the exhaust of the left cyl i feel more coming out of it than the right like the exhast is harder and also my right exhaust smokes a when the left one does not after its warmed up but no oil comes out so im not sure if its a crank seal or not. Im willing to replace parts but the problem is i dont know what needs to be replaces or done! Seems like it needs everything lol i was thinking of putting in a vitos crank with some new wiseco pistons and see how that works out but i think its more than that. Sorry for cramming everything into one post but any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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