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Posts posted by SalM

  1. Really the only issue with the J arm bikes is the fact that they wear the bushings out about once a season. There is nothing wrong with them. I am building one for my daughter right now. Just build it and put bushings in the arms once a season and you will be fine.


    How much are bushings? and thing is that worries me is I've heard they're prone to bending and "tweaking" the frame. My main concern is that if I do the A-arm conversion, do I have to change bushings and ball joints as often and is it still as prone to breaking as j-arms?

  2. J arms are awesome! Buy that shit and call JL for his awesome J Arms. Everyone has a banshee but few have a J arm banshee!




    But do new J-arms eliminate the ball joint wear? and thing Is I do alot of trail riding and jumping so I dont know if J-arm is good... thats why I want to do the A-arm conversion...

  3. Hey guy I need some insight... I'm reading about the J-arm banshees being nothing wow but I found a roller. for $200 just missing pipes motor and some little odds and ends. should I pick it up? I've heard banshees with j-arms ball joints wear quicker can someone explain that to me? and how does that work to change them do I change the whole arm? and can I do a j-arm to a-arm conversion kit and not have to change the arm everytime the ball joint goes bad.?


    I need the info as soon as possible thanks a lot guys!

  4. Sup guys, I'm new here and so far I'm liking the forum, but I was suppossed to go buy my Banshee roller tonight, but I called him to tell him im on my way and I just left my house too, just for him to tell me oh I sold it... So i bugged out and am now back on the search for a banshee roller. I'm looking to spend a few hundred dollars on a complete banshee roller that needs a motor, could need a few little parts here and there.


    Anybody have a roller in the Tri-State area + PA for sale for cheap? Not looking for a bare frame...


    Let me know thanks guys!

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