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Posts posted by octigonwallrus

  1. both of these conversions look great, sound better. and look to perform pretty damn good. if you can do the work yourself, have lots of time, and can make it safe(so you dont get out of control and kill some innocent person nearby). then go for it. looks like fun to me. thats the only exhaust sound that comes second to a banshee for



    sorry tried to embed but couldn't get it to work banghead

  2. oh yeah , that would be a tough beast to control on the trails. i only ride the oregon dunes. i have seen a lot of street bike powered quads. they rip out on the dunes, but thats the only place i would want to ride them.

    i think an xs650 would be great in a newer quad frame(like and ltr, trx450r, or the yfz450), plus you dont have to worry about ground clearance in the dunes so much. the ones i see alot of the time are running really big 22"

    paddles or 25" paddles.



    if your zipping around in the woods or trails i would say keep the warrior motor, but if its for the dunes go with the gixxer.

  3. Haha nice. I was sitting at the bottom of banshee two weekends ago on my new banshee( from a mostly stock trx450 to a fire breething 60+ HP banshee). Anyway went to do the lone attention run up. Dropped the hammer in second, and my clutch hand slipped off. Luckily I somehow saved it and only looked lime a partial dumbass. Haha my dad said I looked like I was trying to ride a bull. Haha

  4. I buffed a set of 22x11x8 dune hoppers for my 450r. There a molded tire. I buffed them bead2bead with a palm sander and some 20 grit paper. It took about three solid hours a piece to make em look nice. Didn't save a bunch of weight but made them more pliable and flex a little better. Plus they looked smooth.

    I've also seen a Guy use a hot knife. He actually shaved off a lot of weight

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