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Posts posted by ralphn3

  1. if its the clutch it wouldnt pull hard in the first 3 gears.... it would rev up and slip everytime u hit the PB... take ur clutch apart and look at the plates... Or maybe ur cable adjustment is off... I burned a clutch riding for 10 mins with a bad clutch adjustment... I know onmy old 4 stroke.. with there torque.. a clutch going bad is a no brainer.!!!!!

    yeah thats how i felt i was wondering if the lower gears made it not so so good due to going through them so quickly ?

  2. Overall I like mine they hit pretty hard in the mid range but kind of fall off earlier than I like. They are the only pipe I have run but I will be putting some rocket R2s on this winter. I know the pro circuits come highly recommended from those that run them. I would agree with what others have said.

    okay ill probally get them and just run them on the second shee i'm putting together

  3. Yeah, unless it's something that would restrict air flow through the pipes, keep'm & paint them or tolerate the dings & rust. Sink the $$ into other mod's instead.

    yeah i could just paint them guys said he would sell me a hold set of fmfs for 75 bucs clean to i was just wondering how they performed

  4. he is on the way he said he would stick around and let me change swingarms while he is here joking

    we raced down the road three times beat him so bad he would never finish the run without quitin thanks for all the help im going to take this +6 swinger off and put the stock one on so even on the dirt he wont stand a chance

  5. If he's a friend of yours, and it's all in fun, then that's cool. I would look at it as less of a pride thing and more of a test and tune oppurtunity. You already know he walks away from you in the dirt, so if you whoop him good on pavement you know it's a traction problem. If he still pulls away from you on pavement then its a tuning issue. Either way it can save you a ton of time and money repairing/tuning/modifying something that is not causing you problems.


    In other words you have a "constant" that will allow you to compare your progress to. That's not always easy to find......take advantage of it!!!


    he is on the way he said he would stick around and let me change swingarms while he is here joking

  6. i remember beating 400ex's........







    .....on a blaster.



    on another note what is with the trend of puting stupidly long swingarms on stockish banshee? regear that bitch too. a 13t sprocket is worthless.


    i think its for the looks of it they look sick streched now im about winning not lookin what sproket do you suggest

  7. One other note. You will get more power out of a ported cylinder then you will with a 4 mil crank with stock cylinders. I've seen some fast banshee with stock cranks and drag ported cylinders. Obviously a stroker with drag ported cylinders or aftermarket cylinders will be faster but money becomes an issue for some.


    the guy with the 400 is coming by today just told him to run me on the road he laughed hope i can shove that giggle down his throat lol

  8. Get porting...


    Trust me when I saw its a traction issue.. I've had the exact same experience! my cousin was all sorts of pissed off when I was spankin his shee with my 450.. He had the exact same setup as you almost (his was ported). Lim had some good suggestions also. He'd spin the holeshots... but.. put his paddles on and he'd get me every run.


    thats whats up do you no what type of porting i should get i ride alot of trails but love lining up with somebody alot

  9. Your best bet is to go back to the stock swingarm, practice launching 2nd gear don't dump the clutch, just feather it. I wouldnt go any bigger than 30mm carbs on a stock cylinder/stroke bike. But these things will do nothing if the bike isnt running correctlly.



    okay ill put a stock one on and try to find some smaller carbs the bike runs and sounds nasty it will pull the front in third on pavement i wa reading some post and i was wondering should i get my motor ported or save more and get a 4 mil crank

  10. You mentioned you leave him at the line. In theory the 400 should leave you off the line. I bet he is running some really high gearing especially if he is getting you in the top end. Also is weight an issue. Is this guy like 80lbs. To be honest Im really lost. a 400 ex is really not that fast of a bike. Most banshee's with good filters, pipes and some jetting can beat almost any (STOCK) 450 in a drag race.



    i will admit it does spin alot but i figured i should still win when i first got it and piped it i smoked him all the time but my bike wouldnt stay down i put the swinger on but i did alot things like spacers carbs reeds and pipes i was wodering if these banshees could over ride clutches quick

  11. You mentioned you leave him at the line. In theory the 400 should leave you off the line. I bet he is running some really high gearing especially if he is getting you in the top end. Also is weight an issue. Is this guy like 80lbs. To be honest Im really lost. a 400 ex is really not that fast of a bike. Most banshee's with good filters, pipes and some jetting can beat almost any (STOCK) 450 in a drag race.



    i will admit it does spin alot but i figured i should still win when i first got it and piped it i smoked him all the time but my bike wouldnt stay down i put the swinger on but i did alot things like spacers carbs reeds and pipes i was wodering if these banshees could over ride clutches quick

  12. Your overcarb'ed for a stock port to begin with, but it shouldnt hurt much up top but carb velocity is deff low. How does it run? have you done a plug chop? Leak down and compression test? +6 swinger with holeshots = fail. Use the search function key words, "plug chop", "best dirt tires", "leak down test", and "compression test". And read read read.


    Oh and welcome :cheers:


    i have pro circuit pipes and i have been ridin for years i come out hard but he starts walking do you think it possible that im still spinning in 4th and this bike revs faster than you can blink to the top. screaming but gettin left

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