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2/2 many banshees

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Posts posted by 2/2 many banshees

  1. I have a raptor 600(686) with all the goodies and there is no way it could ever do 140mph. With stock gearing the most I'll ever get is around 78mph. But if it's a drag race my banshee will come out on top. No matter what I do on the raptor the front will always stands up and thats where the banshee runs on it.And to bring the front down and run down the banshee it's not going to happen.So if you a good rider and the gears are stock on both bikes in 600ft it's a riders race.GOOD LUCK

  2. as long as your jetting is good.. you should see too much carbon build up.. 927 is good oil.. The only complaint I have with it is its color.. My dumb ass could never remember if it was already mixed or not.. lol

    I run the shit all the time and have the same problem!! lol!! I always know when I smell it burning if I was right!!

  3. looks like you got your ankles pretty good.... I'm been waitin for this thread....I'll see if I can dig up some of the hills we run in the east...

    Where you climbing around the east coast? I'd like to find some thing to climb around these parts? Keep up the good pics.of hill climbs.

  4. I bet every time you race me in your head you win by alittle more. Again yes you won but not by a hole lot for a 580cc. I'v never seen any of these guys bikes on here go in person but I bet half of them would stomp on you. Some of these guys on here spend 10 time the $$ you did hopping there bike up. And at the end of the day he with the most $$ wins.Now go out and by a banshee and you can stay on the site.

  5. Your right now it gets funny. He singed up on a banshee site just to brag! Now you guys see why I wanted to bet him. And fair race he don't know the meaning of fair. Yes a 580cc quad will beat a 350cc quad. But it was from a role ever time and he started pulling in 3rd(you can tell the truth I mean you still won). And I told you (Shawn)about this thread a long time a go even told you to check it out. And I'm sure if you lost you would not be posting on a banshee site today.I don't know why your trying to bring me down on a site that I reg. go to. Either way it was fun and you if you don't think a stroker kit and a cub are not coming for you your crazy.

  6. A drag how long of a race is that??? I have a buddy that I raced with my banshee. He was on a old Yz 465 I took him up to I ran out of gear then he creeped by me. I still bust his ass about it. But he thinks he won.A race is to point A to point B. So set a mark and let it tell who won.Good luck!

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