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Posts posted by Leigh

  1. I got a set of 400 ex shocks for free.. right now i i have stock banshee shocks and +2 arms so it sits kinda low and hangs up on alot of stuff.. the 400 shocks are longer and look like i can make them work. does anyone use this setup or heard of anyone doing it??? thanks

  2. i know this is not a banshee but i sold my stock legnth durablue banshee axle to someone and they are going to put it on a blaster.. i just extended mine and i bought the G-force axle wich i love by the way... it came with a spacer if it were to be ran on a blaster.. so should i include the spacer with the durable axle to make it work on the blaster.. i dont know if its a driect bolt on for banshee axle on blaster or if it needs the spacer..



  3. Ok I just bought a 98 banshee 3 weeks ago it has fmf pipes and silencers, and i was told it was bored .40 over. Everything else is stock.


    Now I've been riding for the past 2 weeks for no problem and today i went out and after 2 hours of riding it started to bog out but not stall. This only happens when its in gear. its fine in neutral? what went wrong? It also has an eratic idle.


    Also how many turns should the air screw be turned out and the TORS? I've been told to get rid of the TORS but i don't know how or what parts I would need. If anyone has these parts please let me know.


    Please HELP


    To remove the Tors you need to get the caps for the tops of the carbs and the idle screws... There are alot of things that can make it bog. sence it is new to you, i would pull the carbs and clean them and see what they have for jets in there.. I dont know about where you live but today was worm for me and the weather can make a difference in how it runs if it was jetted for colder weather..

  4. Yeah well if you look through all the feedback people left there is quite a few that you asked people to withdraw like you did me.. i will never buy from you again and nether will my friends. in your respond to my feedback you say "PACKAGE LOST, REFUNDED FEE'S NEXT DAY AIR-ING A SET TOO YOU NOW" The package never got lost i tracked it and you never droped it off. And by the way where is the set you next day aired to me? did the plan crash?? O well i guess its time to change your ebay name again


    This discussion was brought to my attention by a fellow trusted Ebayer.



    The buyer did not recieve his item in a timley fashion, it didnt even make a delivery. He was refunded the shipping costs, then refunded againfully (plus shipping again) after he filed a dispute with PayPal which I responded and resolved. If this person feels that I have any obligations to them please conatct me.


    I do get complaints, we all do, but and sometimes it gets out of hand. I would not retian 100% with 197 rating if I was not selling the correct way, why is it that every item I sell with high valve ($350-1000) gets a postive rating, yet evey once and a while a $20.00-50.00 item causes a negative complaint or issue.


    John you seem to have a problem with me. You state that you would threaten someone's account by buying up all their items is nothing you should be proud of. Also its not the correct way to handle something like a late paying buyer. That is why Ebay has a NPB process which you filed, and I responded. In the end we both left positive feedback for each other, I have nothing against you either, but dont bad mouth me, I dont want your business if you sell on this site or even Ebay for that matter. You have some feedback issues also, you should know how things happen sometimes we can not controll, and there is always 2 sides to every story.

  5. I bought a lower control arm off of a ebay user named Banshees-Unlimited. i got it for a really good price. 2-3 weeks go by and i never go the arms. i tried to contact him for 2 weeks and he never responded to me. and btw he ships from one state away from me so it should take 1-2 days. after trying to contact him i figured i world report him to ebay. 20 minutes after i reported him he emails me. he refunded my shipping price and told me he would next day air me a set. a week later no arms in the mail. i said ok now i am going to leave bad feedback. after i left the feed back he emails me and tells me he is sorry and he will send me a set next day air again and refund the price of the arm as long as i withdrew the feedback. so i took the feedback off and now he doesnt answer any of my emails or phone calls. still never sent me an a-arm. So at least i got my money back but all he did was wase my time and lie to me. i will never buy from him again. if you look through his feedback he did that to alot of people and they withdrew it. it seems like if something doesnt sell for what he wants it to he just doesnt ship it.


    So Bid at your own risk



    I think i need #11. they call it the pin pad. but one of mine has a alan head and one doesnt. and i dont see the rubber boots.


    The one with the alan head is there like a metal sleve that is suppost to come out with it? because it looks like it is stuck over the top of the piece that i can buy #11,


    Has any one ever had to replace them i am really confused?

  7. i live out in CT and we have gotten alot of rain the past few weeks so i have been riding in alot of water. It caused my slides in my rear brake caliper to freeze up and lock the brakes on me when i hit them. i tried to remove the alan bolt and take it off but it was striped. So i had to weld a nut to it to get it off. Now my question is does anyone know where i can buy just the slides and the rubber boots with out buying the whole caliper?


    Thanks in advance

  8. ran good all day today... didnt do a plug chop yet... but i hit some water and it stalled out.. then it was like boging really bad till i took my outerwear off... are the outerwares really restrictive??? because for some reason my banshee loves air i wont run with a lid on and now it doesnt like the outerware..

  9. 4th position from the blunt or pointy end? The more you move the clip TOWARD the blunt end, the leaner the position of the clip. Did you do a chop with the 340's? Your bog is most likely coming from the needle and not the main jet. You are lean judging by the pics. Go up a couple sizes on your main and do another chop. Try cutting all the threads off of the plug, that way you dont have to be so carefull when you are cutting them!


    Hope that helps.


    what do you mean by cutting all the threads off??? like cut all the way around out cut the plug down like i did but go till the threads end??

  10. well it is much better i got rid of the mid rang bog which was driving me crazy.. i think i just needed to use the stock pilot.. now it has a small bog alittle before powerband... i think i am just a little rich on my mains... i am going riding tomorrow morning so i am going to see how it goes and then i will do a plug chop and try to get my mains perfect..

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