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Posts posted by CFM

  1. Give people their money back.... what is wrong with you? You'll get what's coming to you one day... keep stealing.



    OK, what PART about this statement do you guy's not understand.





  2. For the first time in 20 years, I am at a loss for words as far as the "my dick is bigger" "I make more money" "I'm nailing your wife"


    You guy's take this thread and flame on, with the mucles, and kissy faces in the pics, I'n not getting near this one


    People coming from other forums?, please post it here as the only people who were owed were from this site only.


    If Lee wants to ban my IP than so be it.


    That bieng said, your oppinion is of no concern to me.

  3. After looking at your profile, it's cool man, in about 5 years you will be a different person, not the one trying to attack strangers.


    Matter of fact, I just had a similar conversation with a co-workers son. After 10 minutes I realised that at his age it does not matter what I say, he is just incapable of understanding the real world, not due to his intelligence, but due to his age. So I cut it short and saved my breath.


    The same applies here.


    Go ahead and have the last word, you have center stage..

  4. hey dickbag, no one gives a shit about your fuckin wack ass product. just make shit right with people who you have fucked over.





    everyone here has been issued a refund or product. I have been avoiding responding to your posts due to some of the keywords and attitude I've picked up from them, "gangsta" "wack ass" and foul language usually leads to a person whom I tend to shy away from. Not to say you are not a nice guy, but I have always tried to distance myself from the thug or gangsta crowd.


    Thanks for your imput even though we never had any dealings, and I'm sure you will have another slang term or saying to describe your hatred toward me, but please keep it to the homies.



  5. I'm not sure why you guys buy swingarms from this guy. He is the copycater. This swingarm is designed and made by the Swingarm Shop. Scott became the copycater after he bought a swingarm from the Swingarm Shop and copied the pattern to a tee. Except that his is junk. Look at the welds in the pictures. Hello!!



    Except for the fact that I use 4130 chromoly material, dropped 3 pounds from the product, added 4 gussets, a grease fitting, and weight relief in the pivot tube, along with having them TIG welded instead of MIG.. for the same price.


    Maybe you are not familiar with these two processes, those are bueatifull TIG welds that are much stronger than MIG


    It's called free enterprise.


    If you can make a higher quality revised product for the same cost or less, there is no law on the books that states you cannot. Unless it is patented, or patent pending.

  6. CFM stands for Checkered Flag Motorsports, which is a business owned by Scott Tallardy, and I think he posted as CFM on here. As far as I know, the short version of the long story is, he got into a dispute with the owners of the shop he was renting and got locked out and had to go through the courts with them, and ended up in financial trouble. He ended up having his phone disconnected, and although some members of BHQ have seen him around on other forums and under other names, he's never been back here to explain why the people from BHQ who've ordered swingarms from him have been left holding the bag.


    At least, that's how I gathered what was going on... the bottom line is, he has a lot of BHQ members' money that's unaccounted for, and he's apparently not interested in owning up to it here, so there's not much collective trust of him around here anymore.



    While most of that statement is correct, everyone here has been either refunded or sent their item, their choice. All within a week or so of getting back up.


    I have no other forum names that I go by. It's either CheckeredFlagMotorsports or CFM


    There are some die-hard keyboard warriors that suggest otherwise, but the people whom were owed have been taken care of.


    2manysprees is the same manufacturer as 58swingarmshop, just operating under different names. From what I hear he is a nice guy with a good product.


    2manysprees was formed a couple years ago to compete with the product I produce, online marketing is a cut-throat buisness.

  7. If I was trying to hide, I sure as shit would not run ads with my phone number and pictures of the same products with the packaging in the backround.


    A crook or scam artist will take money and never be seen again, not get back to a point where he can make good on previous debts and post on a open forum to do just that including a phone number.


    There were 4 people here that were owed. 3 have been resolved during this past week.


    Late, yes. Pissed off, yes. shitty situation, yes.


    I am not trying to save face or advertise items here, simply trying to wrap up loose ends with the people who were affected now that I'm in the position to do so.

  8. Without addressing all the individual posts,


    I can understand the frustration with the people owed, and the posters. Online fraud is out of controll.


    2 outstanding orders left today both from this site, and I need for the people owed to call me with their information.


    The phone number is correct. 704-786-8820 ask for Scott T


    When calling, please keep in mind that the person anwsering the phone is the secretary of the buisness who financially enabled me to make these again. They had no dealing in what happened and are only trying to help. If you are yelling or very angry, please reserve that untill you are transfered to me.


    There was never any intent to defraud anyone.


    Thanks, Scott

  9. Guys,


    I'm in the new place with all the materials.


    Have 20 plus 2's, 40 Plus 4's and 30 plus 6's in the works, and the material is slated to be machined this week.


    Anyone with an existing order that is affected by this situation will recieve their original order along with a second completly free addtl' arm that they can sell to compensate for the time and frustration this has caused.


    I've been on HQ for some time, and I really like it here. The last thing I want is for you guys to think of me as a scam or rip off. I know some have been more than patient and really do thank you for that.


    In order to meet basic living bills I work for them 20 hrs per week and then concentrate on my debts and buisness, or what's left of it..


    It has been a daily fight to try and look a the bright side, but these assholes can't break me with this..


    The people who have been helping me are..


    Willes Machine Products, Corp

    Concord NC 28027


    I don't want to post up all his info, but with a search you can see he is an upstanding guy who has been in the racing field for a long time.


    The people who you want to stay away from at all costs are


    Jason Smith

    Chrome East

    Concord NC 28027


    Mac 3 trading


    Charlotte NC


    They will try to take everything you have, then illegally steal it from you given half a chance.


    Despite 13 BBB complaints and 4 different buisness names in the past 2 years, somehow they are still in buisness

  10. Sorry for not posting in awhile..


    The current situation is this.


    Legally this is going to take awhile for the courts to sort out.


    I have a CNC bandsaw that I am selling to pay the people with orders and buy the basic things needed to start over from scratch.


    As it stands, there is no more money for lawyers and no more time for to wait for courts. I'm starting over again for the 2nd time in 2 years


    The machine shop I use has offered to put 2 of their racecars into storage and let me use the space, front material and machining costs and let me use their equipment untill can get back on my feet. He's an older Brittish guy that's really cool


    As for the chrome shop, I have never ran ito lying/stealing/dirty motherfuckers in my entire life. (Not even my ex)


    Unless this chrome joint comes clean with me, I'll be needing everyones help posting on every ATV /Sportbike /Harley site they know of anout the story I'll reveal.



  11. You are having a rough time lately................. I hope things get better soon! :thumbsup:


    While I could not fill your shoes in the technical dept and experimental dept, I have been seriously considering going back to the legal field my family has been doing for 75 years.


    I just like fabbing and buisness chalenges (sp) that I like to do...


    Maybe I should just take the NC or PA bar and live a boring life..

  12. Hello,


    For all who have PM'ed and e-mailed. CFM, or I if you, will have been fighting a legal battle stemming from bieng illegally locked out of my leased property on 3/22/08.


    Apparently the lease holders from whom I sub-leased have not complyed with zoning/industrial codes that in turn have the building to be under lock and key.


    Friday I have a court hearing in the supirior court of NC (due to the monetary ammount of items) for the following..


    Illiegal lockout

    Potential lawsuit for interfering with buisness commerce due to neglegence.

    Peunitive damages stemming from lockout

    profit losses stemming from lockout

    These are some of the 5 legal issues that are bieng heard on that date stemming from this current problem.


    I would like to formally appologize for the inconvience this will cause for the current people who have orders, I am trying to potetion the court to allow me to immediatly romove my effects from the current location. However, they don't give a shit and I can go get bent as far as they are concerned.


    As soon as this lawsuit is filed and is public record, I will list all parties and locations, as I'm completly F'n irritated with it, and want everyone to know who caused this abortion of a mess..


    Posting that info now would be considered slander and the attny advised against it untill it is a public record.


    For people who have orders, please call me at 717-324-0244


    To be honest, Flipping burgers is looking pretty good to me right now as the past 7 buisness years have cost way more headaches, relationships, court battles, and stress than making sure there is plenty of patties on the grill for lunch hour...

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