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Posts posted by superfastyfz450driver

  1. So far bike ran great the couple times I've used it this summer. Never thru a chain but was having ratcheting issues. With a chariot auto tensioner system fabbed up no more issues. Going to my first ice race with it this year this weekend. Should have a video for you guys. Going to have to cover up the radiator some to get proper operating temps.

  2. That's me starting at the back on my yfz. White bike. Green frame



    Here's an infield view in edelweiss


    Starting front row 2nd from inside


    You'll see half way thru I started sliding on some loose stuff. I backed off straightened up on the quad hooked up and kept motoring.

  3. Ride height is a tricky set up. It's never the same for different tracks. Are you on a banked or level track. Dry slick or tacky. Night or day.

    I did a lot of oval racing on 3/8. 1/4 mile tracks. You need to go by feel and experience. The proper ride height will allow you to control you slide by your own height on the bike. Leaning down to make it slide and sitting to hook up.

    Take an empty water bottle and place it on a table. Use your index finger and push on the top and it falls over. Now keep pushing lowers d lower till your at the balance point. You want your bike set up so that you are adjusting your seating position for the bikes Center of gravity around this balance point.

    This will help with weight transfer under acceleration and deceleration also. And shock valving. Spring rates. And the take up spring collars change everything too

  4. Well took it for a spin this weekend. Did a few jetting a runs and got the carbs synced up. Looks like I'm going to have to drop a tooth on the front sprocket. Going to try a 14:39 combination. Also going to install a chain guide and support for peace of mind. It's definatly a more comfortable riding position then the banshee chassis

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