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Posts posted by crandles

  1. How many names you gonna make up to make people go there? Been there at least 10xs! Been to your biggest event of the yr twice! Both times not impressed! i know if i were more than 3hrs away i'd find another track!


    Really? You think Im making up names? Good one! Come this weekend and you can meet everyone that you think has a made up name. Im sure they will all three cross the finish line and take home the money before you do! No you have not been here 10 times either to participate! And why were you not impressed? Cause your bike or the way it was ran...cause we have never had any other complaints in four years we have been open.

  2. SHIT HOLE! Be like 10 bikes there! and only a 3rd of them actuallly are fast! Dont waste your time or money!

    RU kidding me with this crap! You wouldnt no fast if it hit you in the face. You have never supported the ORR. Maybe been there twice. LMAO. The ORR dragstrip is top notch. People wonder why there r so few places to actually drag race. People like you are the reason..

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