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Status Updates posted by camatv

  1. the status box for anyone who just cannot figure out how to make a real post thanks for your input have a nice day!

  2. hoping to get a NEW building to move the parts into! whould make way more room in the shop

  3. dang i hope i get this golf cart done

  4. i liver in nickerson about 50 miles from wichita.

  5. what the hell is this place?

  6. where's all this midget porn i keep hearing of?

    1. T-rex


      Why does that GOAT have a smile on its face???

    2. Banshee xXx

      Banshee xXx

      under your banshee seat.

  7. just made me some chicken bean/ corn burritos wow that hot sauce is HOT

    1. So Cal Suspension

      So Cal Suspension

      Talk about a bookmark in your digestion process... Was the corn in there just so you can count the hours until that burrito blows back out of you?

    2. camatv


      iguana hot sauce?

  8. oh facebook updates! i just got out of bed and now took a big ole dump i had to stand up so it would clear my butthole

  9. enjoying all this site has to offer consider myself a 1%'r

  10. kevin gigot lives in garden city he's about 2 hours from me he's really cool.

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