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Posts posted by Deathmetal666

  1. oh really, and when did i ever come on here and say i was gonna fuck you up?little boy, oh ic what we have here, is another computer tough guy, and scince i was here first bitch, and this is the roost room i can say whater the fuck i want, and i never said i was gonna fuck you up.like you computer tough guy,,,,,, i never said hey lanky dick, im talkin to you, you just took it upon yourself to respond to me,,, if you dont like wht im saying,,, dont respond... dick head,, its as simple as that, or is your mind too simple to comprehend that concept???? :twisted:

  2. lanky who the fuck are you, if you dont like waht i say, dont respond dickhead its that somple, but if i can get a rise out of you, Imust be doing something right,

    and pyro zit, any chance of you comming here?, i'll show you some shit that would scare the piss out of you!! :twisted:

  3. first of all if a 400ex can climb the hills you are diong, than iy anit woth it to climb those ant hills, i wanna climb some real shit, and who gives a fuck about typos, this aint english class, or maybe you were the english teachers little suck boy :twisted:

  4. and oh pyro zit,,, you said that 400exs are makeing upthe hills you climb,,,,,,,,,,hahahhahahahahahahaha lolololol hahahahahahaa you fuckin *****, if 400exs aremakeing up, then you know no hills,,, you ***** hahahhahaaha oh man , so whats up.wanna ride some real hills bitch????? :twisted:

  5. lol hahahah now thats the reaction i should be getting, you *****s can actually speak, and oh Korn is fuckin wigger sissy mtv craP, MALLCORE if you will, numetal must die, its only for trend whores! and oh yeah that 2 foot killer hill well that my be all you can do , and anytime you wanna ride the devil, let me know, i'll ride anywhere with anybody, unless your a *****, then i tend to stand clear!Ill try and get some pics up here of that so.called 2 foot hill that i was climbing, and hey you can also then check out a cool ass shreeding Banshee! i'll get them up soon andoh i dont only listen to deatm metal, have you checkedout the new maiden cd, it shreds and they arefarfrom death metal.... ha as long as i can get a rise out of you guys,, then i know im doing my job in the roosting room..



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  6. first of all, I go where i want and NOBODY tells me differently, second of all you must be scared of going different places, probably when you ride to you all stay in a saFE Little sand box, while the men are topping that killer hill , yep oh well we dont want pussies like you there anyway!!! hmm just like you probably rock out to gay ass shit like korn or some stupid nu metal crap, yepscreamin demon, you should change you name to screaming butthole! :twisted:





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