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Can someone explain in detail the use of the tube from bowl to intake. What does it do? Does it affect jetting? Does it replace something? What does its adjustment do? How does it effect your machine performance? Name of said system? I'm 16 and still have lots to learn. Don't treat me like a child though.



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Can someone explain in detail the use of the tube from bowl to intake. What does it do? Does it affect jetting? Does it replace something? What does its adjustment do? How does it effect your machine performance? Name of said system? I'm 16 and still have lots to learn. Don't treat me like a child though.



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There power flow jets set up for alky, u can remove plug change the needle and set up for gas
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They are power jets for when you're running alcohol. They let more fuel in at wide open throttle. Its basically an extra fuel source.You can adjust how much extra fuel comes in by turning the knob on the power jet. You can run with them all the way open or closed if need be but usually they're open some. They allow for that fine tuning on the fly without opening your carb to change jets. Again, its for wide open throttle only. Hope this helps

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