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Building Charity Bike to Benefit Tornado Victims in Moore, Ok. need Everything. Can pay a little $


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decided to put together a banshee and auction if off for tornado victims in Moore. My house is roughly 50 yards from homes that are totally lost. I'm hoping to get donations and spend a little cash and build a shee. Need Basically everything. I have a frame being shipped in and getting ready for the build. Please let me know if there is anything you guys can donate or sell on the cheap. i'll be posting pics of the progress as we get closer. my name is Cody 4058089666. please hit me up and i really appreciate you guys taking the time. this is the best site/community i've ever come across and look forward to working with you guys.. THANKS

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I wouldn't feel comfortable donating anything unless there was some greater organization behind it. There have been several people that have contacted me (and other business owners) lately regarding sponsoring various builds with great promises of charity and donation. The only one I am donating to is to Shawn Sadler, because he's been doing this for a long time.


If you can spell out your entire business plan for getting this bike built, and when/where you plan to auction it, you're going to get more attention than simply asking for free parts.


Lots of people have tried this scam in the past. Frankly, it's illegal if you don't actually auction it/raffle it off, and really, you can't be taking donations for a charity over $600 unless you're a registered non-profit.

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The only one I am donating to is to Shawn Sadler, because he's been doing this for a long time..

I appreciate the kind words Matt. Also let me state that MANY people have contacted me to ask how I've gone about doing the charity racing thing. As well as people that have contacted me to donate or sell parts for it. I will state on the record, and hope some of these guys will back me up, I have NEVER taken one donation without first offering some form of payment either. Wether it be shipping, or purchasing the parts full out. The best advice I can offer is to start with something small then work your way up. As Matt said I have been doing this for many years and have established a good standing in the community first, well before asking for anything from anyone. I applaud your efforts on helping people in need and hope that you are able to accomplish all of your goals in the future.

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