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HQ Soldier

HQ Soldier (2/5)



  1. ok so I stay with the stock carbs. But ever since I removed the TORS off it, it seems as if it doesn't start without the choke on, even in 90 degree weather?
  2. So for the summer I am looking to upgrade my stock carbs to aftermarket carbs. I have the Alien System and do mainly trail riding, and would like to know the best carbs for this setup/ size (mm).
  3. I havent been here for a while. But what?? 916's are getting back in production.
  4. Theres no way your not going to lose top end with that 2-1 carb setup. You gain low end but lose top end power toward 5-6th gear with the 2-1 carbs. T-5's are good all around pipes throughout the throttle range. And in order to find out your carb size you measure the diameter of the intake side.
  5. hmmm. I think it might be the opposite. DMC's tend to be a more top end pipe that strike the most in the powerband IMO. For me it doesnt make a difference where it has the most power. They are a good all around pipe and I ride 100% trails and have a set and there are no problems. The more airflow you put through the bike the better these pipes will work and the more it will wake up on the powerband.
  6. 34 ounces of oil is 1 liter. If your running 1 liter for 5 gallons then you are running about 6.8 ounces of oil which is like 24:1. Thats a little bit too much oil and might be the reason for those plugs being fouled. I would bump in up to 32:1 or 40:1 which is about 4 ounces of oil to gallon of gas. It seems like you mix oil to the 5 gallons of gas so about 20 ounces oil to 5 gallons of gas. In liters that would be a little bit more than a half a liter. In conclusion your running too much oil.
  7. Can I know what riding spots are near these areas in NY?
  8. K&N powerlids are a good way to increase airflow and filtration . I run one and my inner filter hardly gets any dust and needs less maintenance but the powerlid needs to be cleaned frequently.
  9. Ya I had the same idea and ended up with the ASR's and liked them until now and never got to change the username
  10. Agreed. Other than the friendliness at ASR I'd look into different a-arms. On mine the paint seems to be chipping off and the Heim joints seem to wear a tiny bit faster. Other than the full warranty and fully adjustable I dont see to many positive things for these arms and it seems every year the price keeps raising on the ASR's
  11. The sound and thats the only difference.
  12. Why would you put a washer on the needle? TORS sensors fuck up everything if they malfunction and prevent the bike from moving and is only for amateurs.
  13. First you should check the jetting on your carbs it seems like it is the factory settings since you never touched it. Take a look at the plugs and get a general idea of the color on the base ring and center electrode. As far as the T.O.R.S. kit goes Doesnt really make a difference whether on or off only difference is there is more room and it is easier to jet. Mine are off just because a wire was clipped by accident and it was manditory.
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